It's no longer a game and so I have stopped playing.Buy Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI Anthology
I did this a few times and then realised I could bleed all these dry of their money and resources whilst my coffers are filling up at over 4000 pieces of gold a turn my whole nation id ecstatic because I've cornered all the luxuries, my strategic resource stocks are full to the limit, and so on. URANIUM! I can get the same type of deal with all the other nations who consider me as friend. In exchange, I've received the Truffles luxury, 367 pieces of gold for 30 turns, 3 units of aluminium, 6 units of coal and 5 units of.

I've just been able to sell Pericles (for example) one unit of Uranium. I 'm now finding that AI nations will pay say 200+ for one unit of coal - fair enough BUT they will also pay 330/turn for 30 turns too. Buying in bulk should lead to a discount I agree but selling/buying units one at a time: I find boring. BUT, in the same turn, they will buy all 50 units, one at a time. The AI nation might have enough to buy more than 50 units of oil BUT when I try to sell them two or more units, they refuse to pay more or very little more. I might be wanting to sell say a unit of oil, for example, and get offered (say)180 pieces of gold. On my first game, though, I started to notice some irritants that made dealing very boring. I enjoyed the challenge of maintaining loyalty and governing cities. Gathering Storm:The Dealing System is so so flawed - it becomes a game stopper imho After a year of waiting for the price to drop, I bit Gathering Storm:The Dealing System is so so flawed - it becomes a game stopper imho After a year of waiting for the price to drop, I bit the bullet and bought GS.
El porque de mi puntuación: DLC'S día 1, al precio que sale ( al que hay en PC ) valorando si vale la pena, hay falta de MODS ( obviamente en pc los hay y esto le da MUCHA vida al juego, no esperaba que estuviera en SWITCH ), falta de online, otro punto que le da mucha vida al juego, y lo ponen a precio completo y sin añadir los dlc's que pusieron de día 1, creo que por todo esto, el precio es demasiado alto sobretodo teniendo en cuenta lo de los DLC's y son aspectos ha valorar importantes. EDIT: Con el tiempo te acostumbras a la posición de la cámara, las civilizaciones con sus propias personalidades es un punto a favor, lo EDIT: Con el tiempo te acostumbras a la posición de la cámara, las civilizaciones con sus propias personalidades es un punto a favor, lo controles funcionan pero son mejorables, sobretodo la información de recursos ya que es molesto poder verlo al tener que tocar, hasta que te lo aprendas por lo menos en mi experiencia es incomodo, se podría poner con algún botón esa información y sería bastante más cómodo.